Monday, March 19, 2012

Team Jobs

The class is divided into their assigned teams (4 – 5 individuals depending on class overall size) and the team member roles are as follows:


Map maker:  Creates a mapping of Sir Cadillac's path on a Google Map of the city using Google Sketch Up and the path and stage waypoints defined by the Mathematician and uploaded by the Team Leader.

Mathematician:  Calculates the waypoint location coordinates of each stage of Sir Cadillac's journey based on the translation of the directions done by the Translator. Calculates the stages' and total distance traveled by Sir Cadillac during his journey.  Calculates the treasure's location relative to your team's school location.  Organizes the information so that the Team Leader can upload this information into the applicable worksheet.

Translator:  Acquires map directions from the history scholar's team page on the Physics Lab Blog. Translates the history scholar's directions into Cartesian displacements that the Mathematician can use to do the necessary calculations. 

Team Leader:  Provides instruction to the archeologist team and is the communicator with the physics students during their solving of the Scavenger Hunt.  The team leader also uploads all the necessary information and files into their team's folder in Google Documents.

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